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Check out the cosmos and all things cosmic!

Solar and Lunar Patterns 

Lunar nodes will change July 17-18, 2023
Aries-Libra Axis
til September 25, 2025

Fiery Sun
Solar System

The Golden Age

Colorful Lights

Time is Art
13:20 frequency
13 moon calendar

The 13 moons of 2025 has begins, July 26, 2024.  This time period is also a time when the Nile River floods signifying a time for planting and new beginnings. Its also the time of the year when the star Sirius rise and can be seen above the horizon.

We go into a new 13 moon cycle Blue Rhythmic Storm invites you to think cosmically and act locally. Shift the world by circulating your beneficence!
With love, all things are possible. With love, all things are being transformed... 




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The take over!

Zodiac Chart

Your brain, considered to be your hard drive to your organic highly electrical charged body. The operation system has a control panel. What controls your hard drive?


  • Get access to your control panel with a natal chart interpertation

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    222 US dollars
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